Visa Applications - What you need to know

The world is going through a very strange and stressful phase, which has impacted millions of people from a health and travel perspective. And I say 'phase' because I do believe that with all the expertise in the world, Corona Virus will be nothing but another non-threatening factor in our lives. While there's a lot of negativity and panic going around during this time, I think it's very important for each one of us to make a conscious decision to find a decent level of sanity and calmness around this pandemic. Yes, the effects of it cannot be ignored, but it's very easy to wallow in negativity on a daily basis. I personally think it is not productive at all. I think this is the time we need to use to educate and inform ourselves, not only about the virus and how to prevent contracting it but I think it's a perfect time for us to learn as much as we can about the world of travel, in general. More specifically, I think it's important to see how this information aligns or helps us on the journey to fulfill your personal dreams, goals and plans. I have been doing this myself.
For instance, I didn't realise it until recently that a lot of people choose their international holiday destination on the basis of whether or not they'll require a visa - something that never used to be a deciding factor for me. In my case, it has always been about the desired destination first and I'd just work around whatever admin I needed to 'endure' to make it happen. I get that going through the paperwork can be a painful exercise but I think if you understand why this process needs to happen and what it entails, you will stop looking at Visa applications as a barrier to travel. 
There are 3 key things the country you're visiting requires and needs to know:

1. Your ID and Details of your trip

Hence they request your identity document, when you're traveling, how you're traveling, why you're traveling

2. Your financial situation 
Will you be able to sustain yourself on your planned holiday hence they ask for your bank statements or statements from your sponsor

3. Your commitments back home

They need assurance that your trip is not a way to move in on their territory without proper processes. If you say you're going on holiday it means your time there is set. Hence they ask for commitments back home that you will have to return to once your holiday comes to an end - a letter from your employer confirming your employment, your financial responsibilities like a business you're running etc

Back when I was still a novice at this travel thing, I used to think that a VISA is a stand-alone document you receive. I didn't know that it's just a stamp in your active passport. Now that I've traveled quite extensively, I've found ways to use 1 Schengen Visa application to visit at least 3 Schengen countries at a time! That's a trick that has worked wonders for me because it also makes the process much more worthwhile. I generally don't believe in flying longer than 8 hours to spend only 5 days on holiday at that destination. If I have to fly over 8 hours I will be happier knowing that not only will I still have time to rest but I'll have more than enough time to explore too. In the case where I will have needed to apply for a visa, a longer vacation there is great because it makes those moments of waiting in the queues much more worthwhile!
Moral of the story: Stop seeing the paperwork (and perhaps added cost) as a reason to put off your actual bucket list destinations and simply going with what is convenient. 
  #PhoshTravels #Travel #InternationalTravel #VisaProcess #TravelTips
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