Nothing Beats Island Vacations

As I counted my blessings I realised that I've been fortunate enough to experience holidays on 10 amazing islands! 5 in Africa, 2 in Asia, 2 in Europe and just recently, 1 in South America. Of the 10, Robben island is the only one I wouldn't particularly count as a holiday destination but more of a historical landmark (maybe you've had a different experience?). And of the other 9 I wouldn't be able to single out one as my favourite holiday destination because they are all special in their own unique way. I could, however, think of 10 reasons why island holidays are so special to me:

1) I'm not one to play in the ocean because I'm terrified of being swallowed (there's actually a heartbreaking backstory to this, which I'll share some day, maybe) but I find that being on an island is the only time I can do this. There's generally no strong water current that could overpower me

2) The clarity of the water is just magical. Most times you can see a whole 'nother world under the water. Creatures so beautiful and colourful they'll leave you breathless

3) Most islands don't get as crowded as typical city holidays, which allows you to truly switch off

4) Islands generally tend to keep much of their country's heritage and culture because they usually don't go by the fast & trendy pace of the big cities.

5) For the same reasons as number 4 above, people who live on the islands are much more friendlier than their brothers and sisters living in the hustle and bustle of the big cities. This generally equates to friendlier service.

6) Depending on which island you visit, most tend to be cheaper than the big cities. You're also more likely to find unique items on the islands.

7) Again, for the same reason as number 4 above, most islands serve more traditional foods, which gives you a better opportunity to try a wider variety of local cuisines. Big cities tend to be diluted in their attempt to accommodate and please many different types of palettes.

8) When it comes to aesthetics, island pictures look the most attractive and instagrammable. The backdrops look like a dream
9) It doesn't matter which island you visit, even if it's only a few hours away from home, there's a great sense of being remote and that in itself puts your mind in a different state. For that reason, you're more likely to feel rested after a holiday on an island than you will after a city holiday.

10) Last but by no means least, let's not forget how amazingly romantic islands can be. Watching the sunset over the ocean in total peace and quiet, connecting with your special somebody in a setting so beautiful, every scene feels and looks like a page from a magazine. A dream!

My island escapes:

✅Robben island - South Africa
✅ Inhambane - Mozambique
✅ Bazaruto - Mozambique
✅ Mauritius - Mauritius
✅ Zanzibar - Tanzania
✅ Singapore - Singapore
✅ Hong Kong island - China
✅ Angra Dos Reis - Brazil
✅ Capri island - Italy
✅ Burano island - Italy

Mauritius, December 2012

Zanzibar, July 2016

Burano Island, September 2013

Singapore, September 2012

Ferry to Hong Kong Island, September 2015

Hong Kong Island, September 2015

Capri Island, September 2016


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